Научно-методический семинар CLAIM



Анонс семинара № 4/14
28 апреля 2014 г.

Итоговый доклад по научной стажировке
"Multilingual associative experiment on cyber security
МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, кафедра ИУ5 // 2-ая Бауманская, д.5, Главный учебный корпус (ГЗ), аудитория 903 // Время проведения - 14:00 - 15:00
Iwan Gulenko
M.Sc. of Computer Science - Technical University of Munich
(Стажер ИУ-5)

IT-security training is a major challenge for big companies. They have to educate international staff that speaks different languages and comes from different cultures. Multilingual IT-security training is one approach to do this. Based on Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML), we developed a chatbot that can give rudimentary training on three topics: passwords, privacy and secure browsing.
The challenges we faced were manifold. First, we had to teach the bot to recognize related terms such as ''information security'' and ''IT security''. Second, we had to translate these associations to English, Russian and other languages such as Spanish and Mongolian. For this we conducted associative experiments online.

The research process, tasks, challenges and solutions will be presented by Iwan Gulenko on Monday. Iwan recently finished his Master in Computer Science. He was funded by the German government to conduct research about security behavior in different cultures settings. For this he spent three months at the Polytechnic Institute of New York and is now finishing his three months at Bauman’s State Technical University in Moscow.

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